20kW generator P154

Started in 2014, Guinard Energies Nouvelles' water turbine project has allowed Keep’Motion to enter the ... field.

Started in 2014, Guinard Energies Nouvelles’ water turbine project has allowed Keep’Motion to enter the Energy generation and renewable energy field.

The P154 model is a 20kW water turbine 100% “made in France”. The generator required nearly two years of R&D and its first production version left our workshops in Luzinay in 2018.

This machine has been in operation for two years now and has proven its worth and can be tailored to numerous configurations such as river or estuary.

It is the larger version of the P66 also marketed by Guinard Energies Nouvelles and designed by Keep’Motion which itself develops the 6kW version. Designed to withstand the most arduous marine conditions (marine breakwater, salt, shellfish), these machines are fully suited to estuary facilities with very little civil engineering. They also provide for operation with very little current or low head through their design, thus allowing for maximum use of renewable energy with minimum impact on the environment.

Particular attention has been given to the design and choice of materials in order to reduce its ecological impact with a high rate of recyclability and a contained volume for such power ranges.

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